Wednesday, 11 December 2019


The main purpose of this tool is to allow users to bypass iTunes errors when downgrading and restoring. The custom firmware is needed when you want to downgrade to a different firmware, at the moment Apple stops signing for it. When you plan to restore your device to a previous firmware, you will definitely need iREB in order to put your device to a pwned mode. Or is there something i can check? I am trying to restore my custom firmware which should be the final step of jailbreaking and to my surprise, when it seemed to finish restoring, the device is still in DFU mode and same instruction appeared on iTunes which asking me to restore the device. ireb r7 for ios 6.1.3

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I have downloaded iReb, iBooty and I only have access to a windows based computer. I have altered the hosts file; looked at internet and firewall configs and basically prayed to every being there is — PLEASE can you help.

Cause the reason i restore to original is because once the phone is off, i cant switch it back on even if i use redsnow to start up.

Where do you have this iOS 4. This confirms that there is definitely something wrong with the speaker of your iPhone itself. No matter in what state it is Recovery mode, Oreb mode or stuck at Apple logojust follow steps below:.

These errors, though are not quite pleasant, they also lock the restore process and interfere with other features such as the Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. Try a custom iOS 4. Mykey January 23, Unzip it, run as administrator. P3rf3ctvo1d January 1, Even when iTunes is restoring it, the screen remains black during the process it dont show the apple with the progress bar.

I solved this error by enter DFU mode and again. WarriorCyber November 6,4: Thanks for all your help.

Download iREB R5 / iREB R6 / iREB R7 Pwned DFU Mode Upgraded and Fixed

Use this guide http: Very good blog post. I certainly appreciate this site. Open Itunes shift restore with 4,3,3 custom firmware.

ireb r7 for ios 6.1.3

I think my problem comes from my custom firmware. I really appreciate your help. My iPhone shows nothing its just black. But kos I downloaded the iReb and run it as shown at the top, same error pop out again which is error It restored but still stuck in DFU. Choose your device using the right mouse button.

iREB, Download iREB R6, R5, RC4, for iOS 6.x.x / 5.x.x / 4.x.x / 3.x.x

You can give it a try http: Apple has stopped signing iOS 4. Try TinyUmbrella Normal http: Can i open after 4,3,5 install? What is your iPhone model?

ireb r7 for ios 6.1.3

Now my problem goes after the restore is completed. I was hoping that you could help me too.

I tried fixrecovery but stuck apple logo. Do not touch TU. This tool is very beneficial and simple to use.

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