Saturday, 14 December 2019


I will visit your blog regularly for some latest post. Do not worry this is because the phone is not configured yet. The phone has 3 soft buttons, which are used to perform different operations. For each number we have 3 three configuration lines. Through the Speed one you could change the numbers for the five speeddial buttons. st2022 firmware

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Go to the Admin menu and press the Reboot button. Thanks for discussing your suggestions. S2022 the picture above you ifrmware see our extensions. Register Failed Not Implementedpress the button labeled with menu twice.

The last step is cirmware rebooting of the device. We highly recommend you to change them. This means that the line will support these three codecs - ulawalaw and gsm. They are giving different rights and possibilities for changes and configurations, to the user. The user rights include the change of the authentication username and password used for authentication with the Asterisk server and the change of the numbers set for quick dial.

We are now at the main administrator menu. In our example we will set the IP address of our ST manually. How to do that? These options are again separated in three pages.

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The network ports support redundant audio streaming as per ST By default the VAD is disabled and it should be in this way when you are sf2022 the phone with the Asterisk. In your case it could be different. The status could be either Succeeded or Failed. So let's take a closer look at the options.

Once you select the Acct menu, you will see the Acct submenu where you could change either the authentication username or the authentication password.

You could use the keypad.

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You have to press the Menu button again. By default the firmwaree is configured to take its network setting from a DHCP server. In your case these options could be different. So, from the second page you could choose between the Speed and the User menus. The phone has 3 soft buttons, which are used to perform different operations.

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In order to input digits you will need to change the state of the keypad. For more information about how to make the configurations in the Asterisk's configuration files please read our tutorial about the Configuring IP Phones for use with Asterisk.

The Administrator has full access and the right to change everything. These rules are valid for all pages. Let's continue with the next menu - SIP. Xt2022 volume levels for the speaker and the handset headset could be also adjusted. You could leave them with their default values.


RAVENNA is a solution for real-time distribution of audio and other media content in IP-based network environments that offers outstanding features in terms of timing accuracy and scalability. So, we have created the user user1.

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If you want to type digits press the same key twice. Basic settings are also adjustable via a local interface on the front panel.

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